Google to block Third-Party code injections into Chrome browser


Google has released a schedule regarding blocking of third party code injections into the chrome browser.

To make the chrome better and considering the crashes that are happening in chrome browser on windows google decided block to third party code injections.

These code injections does the job and gain control without any aware of users as it runs as a background process and causing crashes.

According to Chris Hamilton member of chrome's stability team.
Over two-third of chrome users without any awareness allowing third-party programs to inject code in chrome browser which is causing major issues like crashing.

As per the schedule given by google
April 2018 : An update i..e chrome 66 will inform users regarding the crashes if they are due to third party code injections and alerting them to remove it.
July 2018 : An update i..e Chrome 68 will start blocking third-party programs.If it causes browser from not starting,it will automatically restarts allowing third-party code injections and alerting the users to remove third-party programs from browser.

January 2019 : An update i..e Chrome 72 completely blocking third-party code injections with no exceptions.
 Also told that there is an exception that it is allowing microsofts signed-codes IME software to inject code into browser.

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